A romantic symbolic wedding in Rovinj: David & Gosia’s wedding celebration on Sveti Katarina island
David and Gosia’s love story took them all the way from Las Vegas to the beautiful coast of Croatia. After tying the knot officially in the USA, this sweet couple decided to host their symbolic wedding in Rovinj, one of the most stunning destinations in Istria, Croatia. This way, they could celebrate their love with family and friends in an unforgettable setting.
Organized by the talented Paulina from Marry Croatia, their big day took place on the breathtaking Sveti Katarina Island, part of the Maistra Select Hotel. The island, with its lush greenery and stunning views of Rovinj’s old town, provided the perfect backdrop for their emotional and intimate ceremony.
What made this wedding particularly unique was the weather. While summers in Rovinj are known for clear blue skies, David and Gosia’s day was anything but ordinary. The temperature soared to 38°C, and the sky was filled with mist and Sahara dust, creating a dreamlike, golden atmosphere. I’ll admit, I was a little concerned about the mist at first, but it turned out to be magical—it gave the photos a soft, ethereal quality that perfectly matched the couple’s deep connection.
Gosia’s bouquet and the floral arrangements, beautifully crafted by Cvjećarna Flora, added vibrant pops of color to the day. From the emotional vows to the heartfelt toasts, every moment of this wedding was filled with love and joy.
Looking for a wedding photographer in Rovinj, on Sveti Katarina Island, or anywhere in Istria? I’d love to help you capture your special day in Croatia, no matter how unique or challenging the conditions. Let’s create timeless memories together!
Een romantische symbolische bruiloft in Rovinj: David & Gosia trouwen op Sveti Katarina eiland
Het liefdesverhaal van David en Gosia bracht hen van Las Vegas helemaal naar de prachtige kust van Kroatië. Na officieel te zijn getrouwd in Amerika, kozen zij Rovinj als locatie voor hun symbolische bruiloft. Dit was een prachtige manier om hun liefde te vieren met vrienden en familie in een onvergetelijke setting.
De dag werd perfect georganiseerd door Paulina van Marry Croatia en vond plaats op het adembenemende Sveti Katarina Eiland, onderdeel van het Maistra Select Hotel. Het eiland, omringd door weelderig groen en met uitzicht op het oude centrum van Rovinj, bood een idyllische achtergrond voor hun intieme ceremonie.
Wat deze bruiloft bijzonder maakte, was het weer. Hoewel de zomers in Rovinj meestal stralend en zonnig zijn, was deze dag verrassend anders. De temperatuur steeg tot maar liefst 38°C, en de lucht was gevuld met mist en Sahara-stof. Ik maakte me eerst wat zorgen over de mist, maar het bleek uiteindelijk een magisch effect te hebben. De foto’s kregen een dromerige, zachte sfeer die perfect aansloot bij de liefde tussen David en Gosia.
De bloemen, verzorgd door Cvjećarna Flora, gaven de dag extra kleur en charme. Van de emotionele geloften tot de gezellige toosts, elk moment was doordrenkt van liefde en warmte.
Ben je op zoek naar een bruiloftsfotograaf in Rovinj, op Sveti Katarina Eiland, of ergens anders in Istrië? Ik help je graag om jouw speciale dag in Kroatië op een unieke manier vast te leggen. Laten we samen tijdloze herinneringen creëren!
Romantično simbolično vjenčanje u Rovinju: David i Gosia na Otoku Sveti Katarina
Ljubavna priča Davida i Gosie vodi ih od Las Vegasa do prekrasne obale Hrvatske. Nakon službenog vjenčanja u Americi, ovaj simpatičan par odlučio je održati svoje simbolično vjenčanje u Rovinju, jednom od najljepših mjesta u Istri, Hrvatska. Tako su mogli podijeliti svoju radost s obitelji i prijateljima na nezaboravnoj lokaciji.
Vjenčanje je organizirala talentirana Paulina iz Marry Croatia, a održano je na zadivljujućem otoku Sveti Katarina, koji je dio Maistra Select Hotela. Otok, s bogatom prirodom i spektakularnim pogledom na staru jezgru Rovinja, bio je savršena pozadina za njihovu intimnu ceremoniju.
Ono što je ovo vjenčanje učinilo posebno jedinstvenim bilo je vrijeme. Dok su ljeta u Rovinju obično sunčana i bistra, na njihov veliki dan bilo je neuobičajeno—38°C, s mnogo magle i saharskog pijeska. Isprva sam bila zabrinuta zbog magle, ali na kraju je stvorila čarobnu atmosferu koja je fotografijama dodala nježnu i snovitu notu, savršeno pristajući ljubavi Davida i Gosie.
Cvjetne aranžmane i buket, koje je izradila Cvjećarna Flora, dodatno su uljepšali cijeli događaj. Od emotivnih zavjeta do srdačnih zdravica, svaki trenutak bio je ispunjen ljubavlju i toplinom.
Tražite fotografa za vjenčanja u Rovinju, na otoku Sveti Katarina, ili negdje u Istri? Javite mi se, i zajedno ćemo stvoriti fotografije koje će zauvijek pričati vašu ljubavnu priču!